Friday, September 28, 2018

Current room inspo

Lately I've been feeling the urge to change up my room (again). I blame pinterest! Whenever I scroll through it I get all these new ideas and save them for later. It eventually builds up and I end up having this entire list of decor I want to buy. For a few months I've actually been satisfied with the way my room looked. I would describe it as minimalist and chic. But I think it's time to add a few more accent pieces and I've been really feeling the boho look, such as woven baskets and rugs, plants, macrame wall hangings etc. I'll show you what I mean by inserting pictures of the things I hope to get soon.

1. Himalayan salt lamp

2. Macrame wall hanging pattern

3. Woven baskets

4. New bedding ( this is absolute goals)

The last two images were from - my.burleigh.reno on Instagram. I adore her style and I hope one day I can decorate my dream home with as much passion as she does. For now I'll just keep decorating my very tiny space of a room.

Much love, Jen.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Spring has sprung

Well thank god winter is over! As much as I enjoyed sleeping in the cold all snuggled up, it was starting to get a little depressing staying indoors majority of the time. Winter flew by so quickly and I'm glad I accomplished a few of my goals within those 3 months. I finally got an internship in my field and it's great that I'm getting a feel of what it's like and whether its a career I want to continue to pursue in the future. So far I can see myself staying in marketing and progressing, everyday is different and I like creating content and using my creativity. I also picked up a pole dancing class and I actually really enjoyed it! I'm still waiting for my gym membership to end so I can start going to pole regularly (because it ain't cheap).

And so spring is here and we're half way through September already... I can already tell summer is going to be crazy hot! The other day was 30 degrees and I couldn't help but feel soooo happy. It felt amazing feeling the warm sun and being able to wear dresses again. I cannot wait for more outdoor adventures. There's so many thing I want to do and now I can start planning to do them :)

This post doesn't exactly have a purpose, just a mini life update since I'm trying to write at least twice a month. All I can say is life has been swell and there's so many more things to look forward to in spring! Note* my 24th birthday is actually coming up too so here's to growing up and becoming wiser! Stay tuned for my next post (a list of places I want to visit sometime in the near future).

Much love, Jen.
© loveikigai
Maira Gall